Communist killing base

Y2j's SURVIVOR #1 http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1840695

1st place: Valerie

2nd place: Woif1990

3rd place: Neydem



almost 12 years
Oh you don't play it? Then you can't judge Master Yi! :L
almost 12 years
Noooooooooo Yi is amazing! And oops I didn't read my wall lol. You should have sent me a pm!
almost 12 years
I love Caitlyn and Master Yi, I'd say they're my favs atm.
almost 12 years
I've gone off Teemo a bit (And I said adorabul cuz awww!!) But I'm keeping him as my avi xD
almost 12 years
What? You must help! I'm adorabul! I'm on duty so my shrooms can save you if you get in a tight spot!
almost 12 years
Nooooo! Spare me good citizen!
almost 12 years
Ahh makes sense. I knew your free-running would come in handy one day.
almost 12 years
Damn, I should have known you were trouble when you walked in!
almost 12 years
You said there'd be trouble? D:
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
Woah you're back!
deletedabout 12 years
I thought you died, or something. LOL!
about 12 years
haha, fair enough. EM's pretty boring these days though, lol.
about 12 years
ohai there, stalking my profile? :P Where you been?
over 12 years
I am back bro!!
deletedover 12 years
xD You're so cute. Thanks, wittle buddy. yooogetyrbuttonmsn!
deletedover 12 years
Awh, I didn't know you gave me a shout out. That's so sweet. ♥ &Thanks. c:
over 12 years
Hallooo frand. Penguin2012 http://www.epicmafia.com/topic/45161
almost 13 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y2!!!! Here's some lovely karma!
almost 13 years
+ you