
Dunder Mifflin
part of  family

This site sucks now.

deletedabout 14 years
again, if u assume noobs then none of this shit mineswell work, but if u assume smart players, then whichever maf hasn't been called out yet as maf can cc watcher. therefore, cop outs his report if u assume optimal play.
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
if villager dies n1 and mafia stalks the other villager n2, i agree that mafia can go for a 2/3 shot at PR by killing the cop's inno (and thereby eliminate a lawyer-clear in the process). but mafia would have been better off killing cop and cc'ing watcher, because assuming everyone in the game is good, it won't be obvious which watcher is legit. also, mathematically if a villager dies n1, it is more likely that maf stalked a PR than a remaining villager (though that includes cop). if you are arguing that cop concealing report works in a game of noobs or with mafia that is too afraid to cc, then i will concede. otherwise, assuming optimal players, cop outs report.
deletedabout 14 years
same, i will pontificate and return
deletedabout 14 years
+k for a cool game
deletedabout 14 years
plussed for nice
deletedabout 14 years
Oh btw i did steal your avi, so i am a girl!
about 14 years
FAKE DWIGHT SCHRUTE.. the D should stand for Danger or Dangerous...
deletedover 14 years
I just watched some of The Office recently and wow, the character Dwight is fucking amazing, especially the episode where he was a PI.
over 14 years
I don't believe in negging, but I'm still going to attack you as a troll.
over 14 years
Darthmafia7 19 days 2 hours
Negged for being an absolute dumbass cop. The worst cop I've seen. Period.
over 14 years
You make me do the turn on!!1one!
over 14 years
shit wrong account. oh well idc
over 14 years
lol whered the karma go
over 14 years
Negged for being an absolute dumbass cop. The worst cop I've seen. Period.
over 14 years
Negged for trolling by not +K'ing blankets.
over 14 years
Trolling consists of having the intent of provoking other users into a desired negative emotional response.
deletedover 14 years
Yeah, sorry about that game.
over 14 years
I didn't know what you meant about your new avatar until now, because I kept seeing your old one from the cache. New one, though, is quite, quite awesome.