


I am a guy, so stop calling me a woman I am not good at cooking and I don't menstruate OK WHO CHANGED MY GENDER TO FEMALE? Tell me why you down my karma. I'll try to improve upon the point that you say I did wrong. DO NOT DOWN KARMA FOR A MESSED UP RANDOM LYNCH TO ERR IS HUMAN NATURE AND IF YOU CANT LIVE WITH THAT THEN YOU AREN'T HUMAN.

Im almost always the mafia, so always have the FoS on me. Also, I have a lot of suicides but thats because our school computers have bad internet, so it's not my fault.

Favorite Mafia Players: NikoSCook Public Enemy Ontheborderlands Quaffle Fishythefish Renard FaceBook KindaIWantTo Empath The1Wizkid zugarplumfairy6

Least Favorite Players this is nothing personal, its just I hate playing with you. Fat Huntress- aren't you on everyone's list? Epic Airplane Crash Belthezar666 Lishan Jabberwocky Lubricated Dildo Poohwifey

School Mates clintonsucks21 Brave Little Toaster Billerd Cloak Trekkie Gus Kirade Epic Airplane Crash Parkinsons emocookie

People that should come back( or are still here but I'm ignorant): dmmal33xFAM MiniWally RathWins1 Raven SmashLink Despot EpicAirplaneCrash Stark

Epic Quotes: ILoveMilk: you follow viviangallis thruout the night he visited no one greatest fake report ever

Vikingsfan: After investigations, you suspect that After investigations, you suspect that xxfoxyshazamx is sideis sided with the village.

Another edition in the crappy cop library

ThisisGod: What color is your guy Incognito? Incognito:black FAIL!

Veridis: hooker must be 'busy'

Baest: what did the pirate say to the man that saw the wheel to his boat in his pants? xxfoxyshazamxx: No clue Baest: ARGH! It's drivin me nuts. I like that joke

over 13 years
28 months later...I'mm baaacck. lol.
over 14 years
Um hello im awesome.