
in love with 
part of  family



almost 11 years
OMG, the Hawaiian Chickens w/ Rice are to die for! Only the place in Del City, OK with the green roof serves the best (forget the rest!)! Yes, I gotta include the Poodle. He will have some leftover after I am done. LETS CHOW!!!
RIP in peace
about 11 years
Yum yum yum?
almost 12 years
lol Pogo good
i can only dream
anonymousalmost 12 years
I heard you had anal sex with a cactus. Confirm/deny?
anonymousabout 12 years
I've had a crush on you ever since a long time. I know you don't play anymore, but when you did play I remember you were really good. Like Pogo good. Anyway, would you ever date someone online?
i'm only into donkeys sorry

Created Setups

over 11 years
OMG THIS IS SO MEAN!!! SKREW U "For those of you who knew sunstorm, I am sorry to inform you that she has passed away due to a cancer of the breast. It was tragic, and she'll be missed by all of us. Please keep her and her family (minus kittenz) in your prayers for a while. Her death will not be forgotten. RIP"
over 11 years
and i miss old em. we should have like an em game meetup with all da oldies i hate so the ones i loved :(
over 11 years
What a coincidence. I literally just came from failed attempts logging on to transformice. idk my username. and was gonna search em forums to see if i put it there. lol, procastinatin from sleepin. I see great minds think alike.
over 11 years
Yeah, I'm every alt on this site, actually.
over 11 years
11/06/2013: DuckHunter falls asleep and does not play EM with me. so mean.
over 11 years
I hope all is well in your life
over 11 years
hallo my love. nice 2 know i can still put a smile 2 ur face
over 11 years
over 11 years
no respect ya cawck
almost 12 years
heard you suck at puzzles
almost 12 years
sorry man, just got no time for these anymore, school is fucked
almost 12 years
nice, if ur here this friday, lemme know. i know some nice bars around the area
almost 12 years
nice, do you recognize the name eric tannenbaum
almost 12 years
hey dude, i live in island drive, right across from the hospital. you around?
almost 12 years
Pogo good???
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
you lack #thatpower
almost 12 years
is ur nikname DickHunter?
almost 12 years
you were my favorite visitor by far, dont you ever forget that not even for a second
almost 12 years
welcome to my profile, i hope you enjoyed it very much