
part of  family

Hi, I'm Karsen. I love the twenties. I don't see the point of playing competitively. Like these people: UGH YOU FUCKIN' SUCK. FUCK!

Anyway. It's nice to meet you. (:

Anytime I'm on, I'm mixing it up. :3 Find me here. http://turntable.fm/clouds_room


3 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
almost 13 years
Sorry about earlier.
I didn't veg, just didn't register my frame. :<
At least it was unrated, and you still managed to win alone. Too good. ;D
almost 13 years
I miss you!!! <3
deletedalmost 13 years
+k for awesomeness
almost 13 years
karsen my love~ im plussing everyone on my friends list (。’▽’。)♡ have a great dayyy
almost 13 years
OHAI! ^.^ how ya been? i miss cod with you!!
almost 13 years
i miss youuuu
almost 13 years
Omg okayyy! ^-^
almost 13 years
hurry up and get 1000 points so you can join the family!
almost 13 years
Karsen Y U KILL ME FIRST! </3
almost 13 years
hey there, i will be back on later tonight ;)
almost 13 years
what is up??!
almost 13 years
hi karsen! <3
almost 13 years
OMIGOSH KARSEN! ...hi!....^_^