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I'm unf4z3d :P


[16:29] methatkid666: ok, lets play a game [16:29] methatkid666: hmmmmm [16:30] VaudeVeil: You're it. [16:30] VaudeVeil: runs away [16:30] Meebo Message: VaudeVeil is offline

<yqbear> you bought me jailbait <fiair> just take him with you to taiwan <fiair> should be allowed there

unf forced a loser called Pocky to write that (s)he was here 2009.10.12 !

07.20.2010---added by yqbear Fazie is a BAMF. He totally LOVES random things such as toothpaste, peanut butter, and his dog. Despite his big talk, he is COMPLETELY trollable, so everyone should take a shot at him! Right, Fazie? thomas says: woof woof :]

Bazinga! :D

-privilege granted to this cool person (ME!) for bringing this noob (unf4z3d) to 100 Karma.

Attended Cantankerous Assholes Day - 7/25/10

deletedabout 14 years
111>109 (as a number in general it looks cooler.)
about 14 years
Hey buddy, sorry i missed the thing you organized. Just not on as much as I used to.
deletedabout 14 years
looooooool HI UNF4Z3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDD...... there has to be some secret to unseeing lemon party...
about 14 years
That CAssholesD was pretty epic. Though the convo for serious games with fucking great. It was hard keeping up. Plussed.
about 14 years
Dunno why I didn't have you plussed. <3
deletedabout 14 years
whats goin on crouton? y u b so meannnn?
about 14 years
Also you're added on msn.
about 14 years
Yeah kittenz told me about the games you're setting up. Good idea, I'll be up for it.
deletedabout 14 years
umm... i tried adding you on msn and sending a message... am i not "old" enough for these games?
about 14 years
message me on here, i won't be on msn til probably friday
about 14 years
+2k for you!
about 14 years
I am speshul <3
about 14 years
i didnt have u karma'd :S
about 14 years
ooh i only just saw this msg now - i think i already have u on google :S just shoot me an email to [email protected] anytime after 9 hours from now and i should be able to chat to you - whats up??? now u got me all intrigued? :S
about 14 years
well played...you fooled me badly
about 14 years
about 14 years
I'll catch you tonight, I gotta get somewhere.
about 14 years
soup god
about 14 years
+k because I want to see how much karma I can get doing this!
deletedabout 14 years
+k <3