
part of  family

I like playing Mafia. I think I'm pretty good. I don't suicide unless I must. I kind of like to troll maybe just a little bit...

If you +k me tell me and I'll return the favor.

Also, if I've ever played with you in the morning I do apologize. Please forgive me for my morning ways I can't seem to control.


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 10Gotcha!
2 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 25Objection!
over 5 years
Hey you're probably never ever EVER gonna come back to this website...but if you do I'm karmaing you because I hate the mornings too... okay bai!
over 11 years
i really miss you a bunch
about 12 years
+k'ed(: return? <3
over 12 years
How are we not friends yet?
over 12 years
Thank you, returned! ^__^
over 12 years
+k to 9. :) Return?
deletedover 12 years
+kkkkkk and many more
over 12 years
+ked earlier, though I wasn't going to tell you until I saw you already gave me one :)
over 12 years
+k for being a hooker
deletedover 12 years
+kd. return? xo
over 12 years
SUCH A HOOKER! I got it! +1