
A Saturday night kinda pink
in love with 
deletedalmost 12 years
lmao who's to say my classes aren't hard too?
deletedalmost 12 years
lmao you actually study for exams wtf
almost 12 years
;_; Wow, you suck. ur a bad wif11!!
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
Ahahahaha sure, love. Pick mine out, then. ;3
almost 12 years
This feature makes me want to cry. NOBODY WANTS THIS SHIT. I CAN'T EVEN STALK ANYONE. Also, I love you and won't ever divorce you. Even though Red is lovely. <3
deletedalmost 12 years
I go where I please.
deletedalmost 12 years
im sorry but lucid will overrule anything we say so welp
almost 12 years
Oh, I'm sorry lovely (:
deletedalmost 12 years
and why the hell is gary here????
deletedalmost 12 years
i'm fucking freaked out
deletedalmost 12 years
deletedalmost 12 years
this new feature is so beyond creepy i don't even
almost 12 years
Yep, he is. But I love him, so w/e. I put up with it.
almost 12 years
Oh, that's good! I'm not much a theater person; I only keep myself informed with that because, as aforementioned, one of my best friends is a huge fan of singing and acting. He's so ridiculous, xD.
almost 12 years
Lmao, we don't have any black people either. :c We just have a bunch of morons. ;D Some of them talented, some of them not so much.
almost 12 years
Oh, that's awesome! We're doing a show called The Wiz, and it's basically the ghetto version of The Wizard of Oz with Michael Jackson songs, lmfao. I know it's going to be terrible, but one of my best friends got the scarecrow, so I have to pretend to be excited for it.
almost 12 years
Pshh. She's not my lady crush. She's just cool. :P WOOOOOOOOOO! GOOD JOB. What's your role?
almost 12 years
Well, I hope you get the part. And get better, because being sick is just...hell.
almost 12 years
Orly naow? How did those go, love?