
part of  family


8 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 10I'm Batman.
almost 12 years
+K because you got a sizzling hot booty
about 12 years
+k because I have a feeling you're hot in real life.
about 12 years
My Sexmuffin cop partner<3
about 12 years
+k for being katie
about 12 years
returned karma<3
deletedabout 12 years
+K, cured me of my maf curse stretching back like 20 games
about 12 years
+Kd back. Great maf partner!
about 12 years
+'d to 6 x
about 12 years
returned to 5
about 12 years
+K for +K
deletedabout 12 years
+ked. Please return
about 12 years
I will return the favour of karma when I can
deletedabout 12 years
K+ as soon as I got over 2000 ('w')b
about 12 years
Thank you very much!
If you could remind me what i did to deserve it :C
also +ked you too, i remember your name LOL
about 12 years
Katie, when I get score of 2000, I am plus karma-ing you. You are also really great as this game and I am always happy to be on your team!
about 12 years
haha thanks and returned. my stats aren't that good lol. when i just started i lost a ton of games but that's cuz i didn't know how to play really lol. this is the only account i've used and i've almost got my stats back to even :D
about 12 years
Thanks :) Returning favor.
about 12 years
I +k'ed you ages ago too haha for being awesome :D
deletedabout 12 years
waiting for a score of 2000 to give K+