
Mushroom Kingdom

If you plus or neg me, please tell me why. :D

Don't ask me to drag a report. You have to take my word for it.

I never swear either :D

The only way to really get a -k from me is by: A. -king me for no good reason B. Being a sore loser

To guise test me, ask me anything about marching band. I'll answer it in a flash if it's a question only marching band people will know.

Things we need more of: -Players who know how to play epic mafia -Survivor games -Karma!

Things we could do with out: -Trolls -Sore losers -umm...Trolls -members in the "I suck at life" club

I suck at life club (honorary members): -Any member of the f-tards1 -killhim/hernotme -pigdog -natron

Not so famous quotes PizzaTheHutt-"See that's what afk gets you, a box!" Anthony-"You mean scumcenter?"


Space of Love <3 -Aessa, we joined at the same time but I still fail harder than you XD I luv ya and I'm glad we met on RS, even though you tricked me as head mourner >:( -Zach, I want to thank you for hosting all those games on RS. You're a great pal and even though I may be a little nubby, you still love me :D -Sono, you were one of my favorite little newbies. And look how much you have grown! You're even better than me! I love you <3 -Danny, you are one of the best players on here! I love you and hope that you come back someday! -To my Scum Family! Someday, we will be seen as town! But until then, let us party at the Constantly Scummy Hisowz! -Purple Yoshi! You are one of the most awesome people I've met on this site. You know all about my username and you forced me into buying NSMB Wii. I love you and hope you come back someday!

almost 14 years
+k back at ya
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
+k! Please Return!
almost 14 years
and so are you. returned
deletedalmost 14 years
+k back :D
almost 14 years
And also silent -ks are retarded and if to neg someone over a play style is ridiculous
deletedalmost 14 years
Haha neg my main? You're funny
deletedalmost 14 years
+k Frosty! Please Return!
almost 14 years
negging me for what? That im an aggressive blue, I told you that if you waited another day, a smart mafia would nk (he didn't) and have a 50% chance of getting lynched. Your play style had no basis man all you were going to get accomplished is wait another day.
deletedalmost 14 years
give me my k :)
deletedalmost 14 years
k returned for getting a mafia lynched
almost 14 years
+k for not being pissed when you were wrong like everyone else on this site seems to be.
almost 14 years
+k for being friends
about 14 years
Hey, mallow, I play with you on MS! By a different username, of course. Friend me!
about 14 years
Thanks for being my friend!:)+2k for you!please return favor :)if you havnt already
about 14 years
Ohai! +K'ing for epic whoring.
about 14 years
Bc I feel depressed lately xD..... =/
about 14 years
Your name and avatar reference one of the best games ever made. Charades as the form of communication for the main character ftw!
about 14 years
Ty bbz xD rofl
about 14 years
+2k for you!