
part of  family

People who have been able to successfully disguise as me upon an audience I see fit as competent: 1) Samantha Perry. 2) Public Enemy.

That's it.

Public Enemy: (Asking to see if I'm disguised) When did your penis fall off?

ErezSarousi: When I tried to put it in your mother.

beccaboo: hugs Erez beccaboo: I love your cock

sindrix: hugs erez

(I am so lovable.) :)


martianpoop: Cool.

Hit -100 Karma three times.

omgshinythings9: Erez and I are fucking

sindrix: i adore him

My bestest and I as mafia:

If I am ever in a game but lurking, I am MOST LIKELY not mafia. In most cases, the game is fucking boring. Sorry.

People to neg but can't since they're too new: Edward Tivrusky


NOTE: If players in a game act too rudely to me by way I deem fit, I may suicide. It is not to depreciate the game because in all honesty, the rudeness have already done so.

I will neg anyone who: -Advertises a game within another game of the same function. -Asks for karma. -Intentionally suicides to ruin a game. -Repeats the same line again and again. -Says LAST in the pregame to try to get the last message. -Is a general douche. -Says "Who cares?" in an unranked game. (I may edit list without warning.)

about 12 years
about 14 years
I didn't -K you, I was just repeating what you said with a sarcastic tone, moron, so please, pipe down
about 14 years
-K for asking ¬¬
deletedover 14 years
+k! Please Return!
over 14 years
Oh hello, Erez, I wish you'd die in a fire!
deletedover 14 years
I'm from Weymouth, MA. Wendys Corp was founded in Columbus, Ohio :P
deletedover 14 years
+k Frosty! Please Return! And an extra +k for being from Massachusetts too!
over 14 years
EREZ YOU ASS, i didnt know you still played.
over 14 years
If you have a MSN ADD ME NOW MUTHATRUCKA [email protected] I gotta catch you on here sometime to play with you
over 14 years
2k for u plz return
over 14 years
Where are you! We need to teach these newbies how to really play some mafia!
deletedover 14 years
eheeeehe I put you into positive karma :D
deletedover 14 years
Oh man, and I wondered where Erez was the other day, how are you doing?
over 14 years
Yes. *smacks*
over 14 years
Nice to see you too Erez. Evil Deb says hi, <3 and she's gonna kick your arse for insulting her latest alt.
over 14 years
your list of reasons to neg someone is the same as mine. Should I be worried?
deletedover 14 years
you -K'd me a few months ago, so
You vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous pervert!
You're a triple-decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich, with arsenic sauce!
As an outsider how do you view the human race?
You have delusions of adequacy.
go fuck yourself, you fucking cocksucking, virgin for life, pants shitting, bed wetting faggot.
over 14 years
Come back Erez! EM is so boring without your wrath.
over 14 years
+2k for you!