I only now realized I didn't have you +k'd...so now you have 9 karma, congrats! ;)
deletedabout 12 years
It is indeed :o You know dr. Horrible? <33333333333
deletedabout 12 years
Ok, big sister somni always knows best c:
deletedabout 12 years
Sorry bout yesterday, I literally fell flat on my face asleep in the middle of the game :p
deletedabout 12 years
Hello, I apologize for acting up in our previous game. I was just frustrate. I know you messed up accidentally and did not mean to throw away the win on purpose. Please accept my forgiveness. Thank you.
Antoine is such a bawse that he will not be raped by anybody. :3 Ever. Not even by stupidity. WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU, ANTOINE. WE WILL FIND YOU. Forreal.
deletedabout 12 years
You disappeared D: and i'm going to bed now ;_; </3 See you tomorrow :3
deletedabout 12 years
Hehe, i'm sure i will. Maybe sooner than i thought :3
deletedabout 12 years
Meh, maybe i just seemed bad to myself ;3 It's just that my "off day" has lasted a week so far and isnt going away anytime soon :\
deletedabout 12 years
Psh, where'd be the fun in that? :') Anyway i've got to make it up to you for being not on form in ranked and just a general shite person lately >.>
LOL, ghetto Somni. I love you. <3 I would like to see a person try to rape you due to their stupidity. You'd probably go all sassy black woman on them. :3