

Hi. I'm your nose. That's right. I have a whole life behind your back. When you sleep I jump off your face and hop over to the computer to play Epic Mafia. I also see this really cute nose in my freetime--you know that really hot guy down the street? Yeah, I'm in love with his nose. I'm hoping someday we can build a life together and have little nosey children. But when I can't see him, I go down to the kitchen and get high off spices. Yum!~ Ever done that before? It's sooooo much fun, man. You should try it.


2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
over 12 years
I called out all of the mafia on day one of that game. I was lynched because the town decided that throwing was cool. You did nothing special that game and only won because town lynched uncc'd doctor.