

~~~~ People who believe that the life to come is going to be better than this one are more anti-life than pro-choicers... because they are more likely the blow things up hoping they get closer to heaven. If you think the world will only be better after the ravaging of the Second Coming, then throwing your litter out the door isn't a big deal, destroying the atmosphere and water won't matter.


no, no I don't...

assholes: ~people who think making one bad decision makes you a shitty person. ~people who give bad karma for playing the fucking game. ~people with no sense of humor. ~people who takes themselves so goddamn seriously the rest of us want to injure you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ two kinds of people in the world: those that think there are only two kinds of people and the rest of us who know better.

about 14 years
+2k for you!