

This is my first and last and only account. I've been getting accusations lately that that isn't true. Or that I must be <insert person you don't like here>. Here's a hint, if I just met you in a game and instantly said the same things other people say to you. Its not me. Its you. I'm not those other people's alt come to harass you. You just illicit that reaction from people.

Mafia (the game): Oracles suck. Celebs suck.

Anon setups > non-anon.

Multi-setups are best; no, most FUN setups.

Bigger setups are great, short games with obvious setplay shouldn't be considered the pinnacle of mafia.

Games where town must hash out votes without some leader calling shots... makes for more fun games. uncc or even worse naked town leaders w/ hammer every game is the sign of a terribad setup.

Mafia (the community):

I don't care about points or reports or the retarded social hierarchy some shitheads around here try to invent and propagate. I'm here to play mafia, which I believe is a good game and one that allows for almost any kind of behavior to get reads. If you can't handle that I suggest you Fuck Right Off.

I 100% don't care what gender or age you are pretending to be. Or how OMFG!!!! Cute you want others to think you are. If this offends you, I think you are shallow and worthless human being. But I'll still play mafia with/against you and try to win. Can you say the same?

Let me restate that last part another way: I don't want to know how old you are, what gender you are, what ethnicity you are or what color your eyes are or anything else about you irl. Secondly I'll assume you are lying to benefit yourself in the game of mafia we are playing otherwise why bring it up at all?

One last thing, if you've written more than a report per month you are a fuckwit who contributes to a site culture where the mods are children power tripping and feeding other children who report every little hurt feeling or mean play and are rewarded for it.

Get a helmet, play the games, driving away anyone who isn't willing to sing kumbaya just the way you like it sung is a pretty sure way to poison a community and turn it into an incestuous circlejerk of various cliques that nobody else will want to play with. Which sure as hell won't lead to interesting or challenging games of mafia.

Not so much mad. Mainly disgusted with how every other game I play has someone threatening they are reporting or begging others to report, not for ruining the actual gameplay but for some minor slight that has offended their delicate sensibilities.

over 9 years
+k for being a REALLY smart mafia player, and I hope we can forget the whole Ch*t thing
almost 10 years
+k for bio
almost 10 years
+k for weeaboo