
Hyrule Castle

Okay, so I honestly hate these things. I started on this site around Sept. 1st and instantly became addicted. I love this place. Hopefully I get better at it so I don't always get beat. But anyways, if you +k me when I get to 2000 points then I'll +k you too. If you -k please leave a comment telling me why.

Guiser test: 1. Ask me which triforce that I possess. If I don't answer with the one that Link possesses then it's not me. 2. Ask me what my favorite pokemon is. If I don't answer with Pikachu right away then it's not me.


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
about 12 years
returned :)
deletedabout 12 years
+k'd , return? xo.
deletedabout 12 years
deletedabout 12 years
+k'd u to 14, please return :)
deletedabout 12 years
plussed to 12....I LOVE ZELDA BTW. <3
about 12 years
+1 to 11 bitch
about 12 years
K for K
about 12 years
1k 4 1k
about 12 years
+k'd :D <3
over 12 years
Plussed to 7.
over 12 years
Gave you PLUS K to 6
over 12 years
+k to 5. xo
deletedover 12 years
+k to 2, return? :)
over 12 years
Haha did you + me to 69!? xD Thank you love (:
over 12 years
-k for gamethrowing
over 12 years
-k for not telling me who won a game