

I'm not really much of a person but here I go... Obviously I love to play games, I mainly like playing RPG's and indie games... Mainly 'cos they are what I'm good at.

I'm also quite a decent artist (ok maybe not...) and musician (violin for the absolute FTW). I am a fan of manga and will f**king strike you down if you speak ill of it. Also I am quite random and not much of a human. Its quite unfortunate really...

My very uninteresting life includes; breathing, eating, pooping, sleeping, consuming my daily need of waffles, watching giraffes, inhaling skittles (not really I just eat them, nom-nom-nom), playing videogames, mocking those inferior to me, running evil unethical test on people, teasing others, making others lives a living hell, drawing, being a musician, thinking, reading manga and lastly having showers... (wow that was long, imagine if my punctuation was not very good [god help us] ).

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