
The Manor

I say, Mr. Boddy, it was lovely of you to invite us all out to your Manor this evening.

It would certainly be a tragedy if any, ahem unfortunate circumstances were to befall any of the guests this evening. But I am certain that there is nobody here who would stoop to such devious levels.

Because rest assured, dear friends, As peculiar and suspicious as you may find me, I will not allow injustice to go unpunished. I will catch whatever piece of slime is responsible for any wrongdoings this evening.

But supposing I were to be involved, you can count on the fact that I am far too intelligent and careful to allow myself to be caught and convicted.

No, friends, I am both your best friend, and your worst nightmare.

And with that in mind, I believe it was Miss Peacock with the Rope in the Study.

I rest my case.

So far, four individuals have made jokes about my connections to the once-popular board game, Clue.

I will continue to update the tally as needed.


7 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
over 12 years
over 12 years
i gave you karma, you seem like someone id get along great with if i knew you in real life.