

Hey.....how is it going? Well not many people like me on this site while a few others do so decide for yourself and play a terrible game with me! Also, I make a lot of obscure references so good luck with getting them.

And here folks is the worst game EVER! http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1748264


deletedover 11 years
Why is my avi so damn attractive?! ;)
Comes naturally I am guessing.


5 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 15Knight Devout
1 / 20On the Trail
over 11 years
deletedover 11 years
Here's what I'm going to do: There's a little room for doubt in your last GRS so I took it off. If you attain another GRS, you are going to be re-lobby banned without hesitation. I'm giving you one last chance. You did, however, bypass suspensions, so I am giving you a 24 hour suspension for that. After that you are free to play in the training lobby.
deletedover 11 years
I'm sorry! D:
over 11 years
People being homophobic so i leave...it was ranked too :(
deletedover 11 years
My husband deleted :O
over 11 years
You can stop posting on my ask now thanks :)
deletedover 11 years
Haha thanks!! I'm just redoing my entire profile :P
deletedover 11 years
Haha I hate carrots too xD I just thought the gif was funny :)
deletedover 11 years
Thank you!! <3
deletedover 11 years
Haha okay xD Either that or just PM
deletedover 11 years
I'm not :D
deletedover 11 years
I might not!! It all depends!!