Haha youre raps are pretty funny i must say, but they are quite cliche. (shit that rhymes) If Youre seiorus about the rap game id try to stay away from the s-s-stuttering effect, as its getting played out real fast . :D
Thank you :) and I'm not that serious lol. But i like it when it rhymes. I have another rap that I wrote. Idk why I have the stuttering effect...just sounded cool haha
Hey, did you know that you're super pretty? Lol you probably already knew that though! =) My other question is What's your favorite thing to do that isn't EpicMafia?
Thank you :) My favorite thing? MINECRAFT!!! :D :D
I’m really sorry everyone. I really was dc’d for ten min And when I came back I even didn’t have time to vote myself. I’m really not that kind of player to fake afk. If I was faking it I would never talk at the end. I just came and I see I’m kick lynched. I’m really sorry for wasting your time.