
If you can't respect the grind, you ain't no friend of mine.
over 11 years
Aww thank you JAybob
over 11 years
Oh. So it's more like: http://bit.ly/13o1nKA Well, I guess I can live with that.
over 11 years
u r like always on my prof broski, is this you? http://i.imgur.com/XxaCw.gif
over 11 years
WHOA RUDE. Just to prove that I didn't, I will plus you back, skank.
over 11 years
No h8 but I negged you 'cuz you stole my black background. Omg.
deletedover 11 years
#1 profile that only people with tits view xo
deletedover 11 years
Sorry again. I really hate venting my rage on people.
over 11 years
+K PLS RETURN. jk :))) LAWLZ. K4K haters for the win family
over 11 years
where are boobs
over 11 years
why your profile so weird looking m8!
over 11 years
yeah i know, i like you