
You can live life like there's no tomorrow, but tomorrow is still there when you wake up, full of consequences. -- Lecrae
part of  family

My records ( yeah, I know I did a bunch of games before then, but I don't have THAT good a memory)

Lecrae's Tribevivor 1: Winner, in a 5-1-0 vote, Hatrium over IAmWeed and nickhatesyou as third, tigerawr as fourth, and underrillian as fifth.

Lecrae's Tribevivor 2: Winner, in a 3-2 vote, Voice over IAmWeed as second, with isitreallylikethat as third, Hatrium as fourth, and Coma as fifth.

Lecrae's Tribevivor 3: Winner, in a 6-2-0 vote, Hydriodite over xKandy in second and IDGAF (NickiJ) in third, Tiara in fourth, and R0ronoaZoro in fifth.

Lecrae's Tribevivor 4: Winner, in a 4-3-0 vote, ReVupThoseFryers over Moriarty in second and theMKO in third, Rino in fourth, and dapower in fifth.

Lecrae's Survivor: Cook Islands: Winner, in a 5-2-0 vote, R0ronoaZoro over Voice in second and Tiara in third, RevUpThoseFryers in fourth, and Peeta and fifth.

Lecrae's BB: Winner, in a 4-1 vote, Hydriodite over Bgeas15, with Allblack15 in third, Kanjo in fourth, and Tiara, who tied the record with most nominations (seven times) in fifth.

Lecrae's BB 3: Winner, in a 4-1 vote, Heisenberg over Bradland013, with Moriarty, with his first game ever, in third, Lazy in fourth, and mariah in fifth.

My famous alliances:

UnderCrae dynasty

Me and xKandy: 1/6 times we made it to the end, the other five times, we stabbed each other at the final 3/4 or were split up.

Me and ThoughfulOlive (the two times we final 2'd, we made it to the final 2, as well as both of us winning one each.)

Games I remember being in and liked:

Surfman's game, I lost by one vote to Uniquedoll in a 4-3-1 vote with NickiJ as third, and xKandy, not so coincidentally, as xFourthy.

HighSpace's Hunger Games: UnderCrae dynasty to the end. Nuff said.

Another Game of Surfman's, this one with a Mutiny twist, as I was one of two on one tribe that survived from the final 13 all the way until the final 5, where Heisenberg's hypnotized minion's ultimately got us out. Fun game.

Anything else I forgot to say? I am a huge Survivor Lobby player, so if you are reading this and have no idea what I am talking about, join it now!

Important Dates:

October 28 @ 12:28 PM: I win against xKandy and we finally make it to the finals after so many months of failing.


over 11 years
Whats up.
The ceiling (that's getting old, isn;t it?) But yeah...life is god right now, I guess :D.
over 11 years
are u black?
That is for me to know and for you to guess, although my avatar is NOT me.
anonymousover 11 years
Did you like leave em?
For the summer...kinda, I have been quite busy, although do not worry, I will be coming back vey soon!
over 11 years
So sorry for cheating against you in comp! /FeelGood & Diabolik and his many alts.
I never realized you did, but I think you are a big man for aowning up to it, and apologizing.
deletedalmost 12 years
Why don't you have an avi? I think it'd be really cool if you get one! :]
I am actually about to get one, I had a broken avatar because I tried to upload an avatar but I dont know how to, so lucid is working on my avatar.


13 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 15Knight Devout
1 / 25Explosion!
almost 12 years
+k .
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
It kicked me and said game broke!! I'm kicked out!! HELLLPPP
about 12 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/report/47237 - If you have to leave suicide don't throw the game away because it will still be ranked. If your suicide isn't game related you won't get a violation.
deletedabout 12 years
+k'd :D
about 12 years
+k'ed(: return? <3
about 12 years
>:o that was mean. I gave you that win.
about 12 years
+k for lecrae. Why no avi?