
Anything you say can and will be held against you, so only say my name.
part of  family

Troll Game with GreyShield<3 http://www.epicmafia.com/game/2504608

D1 win as fool;) http://www.epicmafia.com/game/2046288

D1 win:) Best ever as town! http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1878860

Best win as mafia! SITD setup. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1885920

First win as stalker in Reverse:) http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1893724

Banner That Barcode made for me! http://i.imgur.com/4TyeuEM.png



about 10 years
anonymousabout 11 years
If heaven's grief brings hell's reign...
Then I'd trade all my tomorrow's for just one yesterday:)
anonymousover 11 years
if you had to choose one of your bunnies, which one would you choose?
The third one, cause that mofo is a sneaky son of a gun!
anonymousover 11 years
Tu peux laisser un petit mot en Francais en réponse à cette question? :)
Était-ce une question ou un test?
almost 12 years
Long time no play
No kidding! Where ya been????


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
13 / 20Do No Harm
7 / 15Knight Devout
4 / 10I'm Batman.
over 11 years
And sometimes it hurts to have heart :(
over 11 years
Things which are nices, are not in lockers rooms, just in hearts <3
over 11 years
Don't worry, I don't use this ability to do bad things, just to go in the girls locker room ^^
over 11 years
Be carefull, I could be an invisible if I want!
over 11 years
Can I have an invitation in the James Lobby? :)
over 11 years
I like the music, I never heard before on your wall. I'm so much busy this last times, don't you want to continue your study in France to have the same hours than me? :D ;)
over 11 years
Just hope it's a good one :)
over 11 years
I don't want to be a blue turtle, and also, you don't see my color actually, but it's true that in my POV, I always thought about the original color of Koopa :)
over 11 years
Comment c'était trop bien quand tu étais co.! Mais demain je suis trop heureux, je me dirige tout droit vers un rêve, une prolongation, un sentiment qui restera gravé à jamais en moi!

Also, hope to see you tommorow (which is allready my today) but I can't promise it :/

I also give you a <3 ;)
over 11 years
Bon sinon c'est pas pour dire, mais ta précédente musique était beaucoup mieux, ne te laisse pas influencer par le mauvais Francais :p :D
over 11 years
It's a real pleasure to find this message on my wall, I miss talk to you too :/ . Who will psycanylise me and convert my turtle avi in a blue one? ;) <3
over 11 years
ah ah i knew it XDD
over 11 years

for the update of robin thicke XD
over 11 years
Dat eternal music on your wall! :)
Works well in holidays too :)
over 11 years
Mais quelle musique! :)
over 11 years
Good night!!!!
over 11 years
Bant me from one of yo game not cool #whymebruh.
over 11 years
Mais pourquoi vous parlez tout le temps des bras, et pas des jambes! :p :D
over 11 years
Ayo what did I do to you bruh
over 11 years
A good crazy awesome one ;)