
vwhats up
Mineral Wells, Texas
in love with 


Alright peeps, if ur checkin out my prof, which why would u b doin this in the first place, I don't understand, I am the most basic of all bitches, I am flattered that u thought to read up on me.

I prefer to go by WA, but ppl also call me with or rose for some reason. My name is J.P. and I am so uncool. I will flirt with you like there is no tomorrow, whether I like you or not. I hate mean people and bullying in general, and will kick at the first sign of something like that in one of my rooms.

Blah blah blah, evil cats, blah blah blah omg Birds<3, blah blah blah - look I'm Kankri, no one gives a fuck.

I am a minor. Yes, I drink sometimes. No, I'm not trying to be Roxy/Rose. They happen to be my favorite characters because I can relate to them so well. No, my mom doesn't know I crack into her booze. I don't think she realizes I know she drinks even.

I actually have p good grammar, so fuck all y'all that have problems with my 'u's, 'b's, 'p's, and 'v's.

Ily, and thank u for reading this huge pile of bs that is my prof. Take care! You're beautiful and intelligent. You have plenty of talent, and no matter what, I will always love you even though I might not love the things you do!

Also, Nate Croft everyone. Nate. Croft.


anonymousalmost 12 years
who's you fav HS character?
Ties between Roxy and Cronus.


5 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 15Knight Devout
1 / 10I'm Batman.
deletedalmost 12 years
Hello! My name is porrim maryam and I am the leader of the family called homestuck and I want you to join the family! If you would like to join please let me know asap!