
Here take my shirt and just go ahead and wipe off all the... Sweat! Sweat! Sweat! Lose yourself to dance.
part of  family

Hi guys, I'm James, i.e. Louie. I'm here for a little while, don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon. I write poetry, create video games, and love the ladies. Just kidding, I'm a stay-at-home mom. Chat me up and you'll see how I is. Ya dig?

Please join me on my journey to play (in training lobby) every setup that is ranked in the first 10 pages. I give ratings on how much I enjoyed each one, as well as links to their respective games. Wish me luck!

Had a stint of hosting reverse mafia to gain points for comp lobby

  • kittenz was the hooker :: 36104 ☐
  • Coco's Epic setup. :: 997 ☐
  • Traitor Training 2 :: 610782 ☐
  • Great And Innovative :: 563501 ☐
  • Untitled :: 68221 ☐


1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!