
The Bermuda Triangle
in love with someone gone


20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
9 / 20Do No Harm
7 / 15Knight Devout
4 / 10I'm Batman.
about 14 years
+k return pl0x because i am def not karmawhoring
about 14 years
2k for u please return
about 14 years
Teehee, and Jez is a whore, bitch, cunt and Jackass o.o BUT I'M SENDING YOU LOVE TOO!
about 14 years
I always have fun playing this game. But if you try and tell me what to do or how to act, you're going to get negged. I think there's a delete your account function under edit :)
deletedabout 14 years
+k and friend request, fight the power.
about 14 years
I'm gunna +Kfest you because Jez is a dirty slut =D
about 14 years
Oh hey pathetic piece of shit. NEGFEST HERE WE COME!!!!!!!
about 14 years
Thank you my lady.
about 14 years
+K because you believe I'm admirable!
deletedabout 14 years
thank you :)
about 14 years
+K for being my friend :D
about 14 years
WHO CARES?! I didn't get any better while you were gone. <3
about 14 years
HOLY CRAP YOU ARE STILL ALIVE! I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!! =D Why you been gone so long? =o
about 14 years
Ohai <3
about 14 years
I never knew Miley Cyrus was dead? How it happen?
about 14 years
+2k for you!
over 14 years
I miss you like an old drunk would miss his cheap wine. <3