

Hey. I'm Nidoran C: for those of you who don't know what character I am, I am the pokemon Nidoran. Here are my stats c: National №: 029 Type: Poison Species: Poison Pin Pokémon Height: 1′4″ (0.41m) Weight: 15.4 lbs (7.0 kg)

I am a wild pokemon. so do not try to capture me. I have multiple blonde moments, so don't judge. I am very immature. very. ask treemeister. He knows all about my immatureness. alright. yes, i am a female. feeeeemalllleeee. believe it. i can suck at games. i can win at games. and i will be proud of myself. cause im such a retard. alright. thanks for stalking

I have a really weird sense of humor.

I can smell you :D

ask me about my attention deficit disorder or pie or my cat. a dog. i have a bike. do you like tv? i saw a rock. hi---SQUIRREL! //perks ears up