

Things you should know about me as a player:

1. I do not self-vote. Ever. Self-voting is game throwing. It goes against your win objective to vote for someone you know is on your side, which, clearly, you are. Self-voting is also handing the fate of your game over to the clear you are self-voting for. Clear =/= smart. I have watched too many games where I accurately predicted the mafia be lost to a fail clear, the most recent of which inspiring the need for this wall statement. So you are all aware. You don't have to like it. You just have to live with it.

<a href=""><img src="" width="169" height="28" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>

about 12 years
Im right here baby!
over 12 years
m-m-m-myy baby! Come give daddy some sugga
over 12 years
+K, that was a good game
over 12 years
Plus because Ghadaffi is a tool.
over 12 years
thanks! plussed you back :D
over 12 years
How do you not have a trophy yet? I <3 you but you pwned me
over 12 years
Np! I just don't like it when comp players act all superior to training players - I play all three lobbies now, but out of experience, arrogant comp players are the ones who kept comp a closed community before lucid's tweak.
That was a hard game though, both of you were towntelling :( hard to fos as a maf. Well played!
almost 13 years
And returned for your epic skills as a lover's partner. ;D
almost 13 years
Still just QQ.
deletedalmost 13 years
Greece :P
deletedalmost 13 years
Yeh IDK, if it got counted as a sui it's most likely not refundable the way the heart refund system is designed, do you know the game #?
deletedalmost 13 years
The sui would make it unrefundable unless Lucid changed something, did the game itself break?
deletedalmost 13 years
Hey girl, Forum, (Epicmafia one), "Request Heart Refund"

Love the background for your profile. i haven't done one yet, not sure what I want to do.
almost 13 years
All I hear is QQ. QQ.
deletedalmost 13 years
site had been offline. request refund.
deletedalmost 13 years
Going good, been a long time, most of the IRC people either dropped off the map or at the very least don't come on EM anymore.
deletedalmost 13 years
Yeah it's pretty cool. Cold here, but the lack of tear gas is refreshing :P
deletedalmost 13 years
Gary :D
deletedalmost 13 years
I'm alright thanks, moved to the UK and going to college now :3
deletedalmost 13 years
:) I miss the IRC, so what have you been up to?