
England is my city
in love with someone gone

Raking; the opposite of sweeping. To win by the skin of your teeth in a challenge.

68:15 colester1... Kakua Tribe MegaRaptor789 CJKelly Elfen YanmegaMan cupcakkesvoojina globetrotter89 Elki2401 Uglyduckling2929 Teadrinker

68:28 colester1... Lakina Tribe Jpriced FFSierraDamnThomas withered Zero-IDOL Knife sammy bjole

If you know, you know...

I like to sleep and say dumb stuff


over 9 years
Seems like you have your very own mini fandom raising eh? ;)
Eh I just have alot of awesome friends ~~♥♥
anonymousover 9 years
choke on your chocolate piece of shit :3
To die to chocolate would be a better death then most.... I hope yours is pleasant too, and you don't suffer much :3
over 10 years
You are now known as Mr. One
over 9 years
Zero I love you
over 9 years
Zero i love you
over 9 years
Zero I hate you