I want your raging penis. I want you to fill me up from head to toe.
deletedabout 14 years
You see a thick fog. You notice it is actually mist. You try to run and try to get away from this eerie place, but slip on the moist floor. A little girl helps you up (looks 12 years old). She says,"here this is for you" she gives you a package. Inside the package is... A +K!!
I added the witch, so that a clear just can't get a gun. There might be two clears (only one that mafia knows), so GS would have to wifom to give the gun to someone.
A smart fool wouldn't visit at all (a lot of noobs will still visit tho)
The hooker is in there to stop the GS from giving a gun if they stalk appropriately.
Insane/Regular cop, so town is confused as to reports.
Hey since you're quite opinionated, will you look at this setup and let me know the pros/cons...and do you think it balances out GS? I'm debating to keep stalker or just have nilla in place of stalker.
Did have you negged for a past dispute, changed to +k for your thread on why roles shouldn't be deleted. You're a better player than I gave you credit for.