
A Place
part of  family

I cannot lie; more specifically, I cannot say anything I believe to be a lie. So, for instance, if I say that I am blue in a setup with gallis, I could also be gallis, but I have no way of differentiating, and therefore I am not lying if I say I am blue and am in fact gallis. (However, that's just an example; it should rarely if ever happen, because I do not claim blue unless the situation is very unusual. Instead, I simply claim I am not a PR.) As another example, if a rule was recently changed and I claim it that the old version of the rule is true, I am simply mistaken.

To sum it up, here's a FAQ that I blatantly stole from Jag's alt HonestJaguar:


Q: So what does this mean?

A: It means that if I make a claim or give a report, it is truthful. To the best of my (human) ability, I will couch theoretical thinking as just that: "I think Iphigenia is mafia" instead of "Iphigenia is mafia". I may slip.

Q: Well, I'll just say, "Hey, are you mafia." Then what?

A: I won't answer the question. If I'm blue, or mafia, I'll claim that I am not a pr.

---End Jag's FAQ---

Q: Well, I'll ask about your mafia partners then!

A: There are no loopholes. If I could possibly be mafia and you ask a question that could incriminate me whether I told the truth or lied, I simply will decline to answer. Or ignore the question completely, but I try to avoid doing that.


A: Well, yeah, I do kind of feel sorry for my maf partners. But I logically justify continuing to tell the truth even though it hurts my maf partners because, all egotism aside, I am better than most people at being mafia. Even though not being able to lie handicaps me somewhat, I am still better than many people at being mafia. So it's really not that bad.

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/299369 A bullet hits your vest! You cannot survive another hit! Honest, the bulletproof, has died a bloody death.

spader: Bp was killed? TigerShark: Killer and Mafia kileld Honest :( thebandit: lol

deletedabout 14 years
You're my nemesis.