funfacts with izaori (also known as izaori being dumb)
if you voodoo bleeder and they say the voodoo word during the day, every time they talk they'll get the voodoo death message
if youre lazy cop and you die you'll still get your report the next night but it will be useless because youre dead
if you hook mistletoe it turns into nilla maf (like how virgin goes to blue villager)
if monk is on terrorist, terror can bomb and live anonymously. then can bomb again the next day.
if youre yak and protect role is on you the night you yak, you'll live while the chosen person becomes nilla maf (i've been told this only works on virgin night, any protective roles wont work)
this may not happen every game, but if there is an associate, the game will glitch and all guns will become associate
tree cannot be culted/masoned but tree can become a zombie
"if youre yak and protect role is on you the night you yak, you'll live while the chosen person becomes nilla maf" this was changed, yak can no longer be saved