
The Ocean

Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession. Love me or hate me, that is the question. If you love me then, thank you! If you hate me then, fuck you!

... Yes, I just quoted a song from some singer I don't know :3 (Apparently, it's by Lady Sovereign.)

Should a cop die D1, I will USUALLY claim cop, no matter what side I am on. That is, unless I am in a ranked game.

Eenie meenie miney moe. Catch a TIGER by the toe.

If there are wills enabled, I tend to have a signature at the end of it. Just another thought :P

I talk a lot (taking up more than half the chatscreen). Deal with it.

Damn impatient people, damn!

To all who may know him, I used to be doggydog487. I don't play on him anymore due to forgetting the password ^.^

I tend to make a lot of references, so that could be a guise test of a sort?

Another note; People tend to screw up in guising as me because they either don't talk nearly enough, don't use enough of emoticons (because I do over-use them on occasions), or don't use proper grammar + capitalization. Just a note for all you people trying to guise as me ;)

Am I a tiger? Or am I a shark? The world may never know. Tell me of any negs or additions to karma.

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/702887 ~ I feel kind of proud about this game...

deletedabout 13 years
+K for being part of the mafia family
about 13 years
yesssss, hello! :)
over 13 years
lol yeah, I used to listen to that song all the time.
over 13 years
it's lady sovereign.
over 13 years
Hey you're a cool guy hehe. ba ba ba dummmmm
deletedalmost 14 years
+k for youu.
about 14 years
I lvoe your avy... :* And...we need to play another game together...too much fun with you xD
about 14 years
Heeeeey! tigeeeeer! janned BP! XD Fun game, stalk stalk? :3
over 14 years
Message to good friends on friend list.

Do me a favour and neg http://www.epicmafia.com/user/41010

Wendys is a karmawhore and negged me 11 times for saying I neg karmawhores.


Also, I haven't see you online in like 10442 days :/
deletedover 14 years
+k Frosty! Please Return!
over 14 years
I've been away from EM for a while. I stop by and see how people are doing, but I haven't played hardly at all.
over 14 years
"Do you retract?"

Because I'm mafia.

This will forever live in infamy.
over 14 years
-k for not following our conversation ;)
over 14 years
It's fluffy and soo cute ._.
over 14 years
Im in love with your adorable picture ._. <3
over 14 years
lol love you <3
over 14 years
+K for karma whoring and being more epic than tony the mofoin tiger
over 14 years
use another browser for avi
deletedover 14 years
+K for you cause you are a Tiger and A Shark and ily :D
over 14 years
I am so sorry for vegging in that game. The stalker had announced that he was stalking our kill, so I was waiting to see if we were going to change our vote to guise someone else when the time ran out. Sorry for making a noob mistake. :(