

I am Olimar. Feel the wrath of my pikmen.

Very friendly, send a request, and we party in the Hocotate Ship.

If you neg me, leave a comment explaining why.

Main: Blitz2121

about 14 years
return k u
about 14 years
Good player, +K
deletedabout 14 years
I repeatedly get 502 bad gateway, when I try to invite you :(
deletedabout 14 years
+k, thanks for the help
deletedabout 14 years
+K'd in celebration of the downfall of FatMarcus!
about 14 years
my old avatar and my kitty cat are both in 1 picture now, i r coolest cat!
about 14 years
Psh im the coolest cat and u know it!
about 14 years
You should reach 1k points to be able to join a family bro
deletedabout 14 years
Remind me to + you when you get to 20 games. You did the moral thing.
about 14 years
hi there
about 14 years
Olimar and Pikmin.
deletedabout 14 years
hi loser >:P
about 14 years
Hello !will plus +k when u get more points!