
Moogle detective office
part of  family

If you meet Moogle, be sure to give him +Karma. He was supposed to be in the famous mafia players list, but out of pure jealousy, they left him out. The shame of the whole ordeal left Moogle without a will to live. A day came, when he decided to take his own life, when he realized he still hadn't found the reason why he was put on earth. So for twenty five years, Moogle traveled the world looking for the meaning of life. He learned many of cultures, and took up many religions, but still could not find the answer. One day while snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, he met a man named Chuck Norris. He claimed to be the creator of all things awesome, and insisted that he train Moogle in the art of Awesome. So for seven grueling years, Moogle underwent treacherous training under the careful eye of Chuck Norris. After training one day, Moogle cam back to the Dojo to find that Chuck Norris was nowhere to be found. A note was left on the door, it read: "Got hungry. Went to go get some KFC. Be back in five thousand years. -Chuck Norris." Feeling betrayed and fueled by rage, Moogle leveled the Mountain that he trained on to the ground, and stormed off to go fight crime. While on one of his undercover drug busts, he met a odd man by the name of Doogle. The two imitatively became friends and formed a Law firm called: "Moogle and co. Law office. (though there was a fight over who's name they would use.) They both became huge hits in the world of law, but all good things come to an end. Moogle and co. hit bankruptcy and soon shut down. Moogle and Doogle parted ways, and soon lost touch. Twenty years later while working as a hair stylist at Great Clips, Moogle got a phone call that Tokyo was being attacked by Godzilla. Using the awesome training he received long ago, he punched the earth so hard, that the world split into two. Godzilla fell down the center, and Tokyo was saved. Seeing that the world was split in half, Moogle went back in time to 1837 and now is a private eye by day, and plays Epic Mafia by night with Doogle.

The gods of mafia have finally realized how elite Moogle is, and have accepted him into the Famous Mafia Players List. But since he was stuck in the year 1837, Moogle had to wait 172 years to hear the news, but the damage had already been done. Needing some time alone, Moogle kicked Super-Man out of his Fortress of Solitude, and moved in. After a few weeks, Moogle grew tired of the lonely life and began throwing wild house parties every weekend. One fateful night, Moogle tried to drive home intoxicated, but but ended up rear-ending a police car and was sent to jail for D.U.I. and having an invalid driver's license. (It's just so hard these days for Moogles to get any kind of permission.)While under serving time, the government became aware of Moogle's elite skills and offered him a deal he couldn't refuse. According to them, when Moogle punched the ground and went back in time, He had accidentally made a duplicate of himself that stayed back in the present time and was wrecking havoc on all the small-time supermarkets in the world. Moogle's job is now to neutralize the threat, and to bring back enough McDonalds for the entire F.B.I. for lunch, in exchange for his freedom.