
in love with 
part of  family

glory to




anonymousover 11 years
hello hello
greetings greetins
deletedover 11 years
unban me from comp?
no i cannot


1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedalmost 13 years
Nah, I'm not holding you to it.
deletedalmost 13 years
You don't have to look at my bio if you don't want to. :)
almost 13 years
Please uncomp: At Your Own Risk, no one care to play it. I am replacing it with something else that I am sure will be good like Janitorial which is awesome, everyone playing it. Thank you, it the set up is unranked at first please plus it so people can play we can test for balance.
almost 13 years
You villainous traitor!! You have ensconced the knowledge of that which can aid these poor souls undone from madness in the all obscure region of the Bug Reports!!! Do you wish to see the thrival of the cold-blooded cthulu and the downfall of our poor, defenseless village?? If so, I speet at you and challenge you to a Cthulu duel!! Death before dishonor!!
deletedalmost 13 years
Here is the game to my report.

You can find the report linked on my profile via you.
almost 13 years
Laexio please review the report when you get the chance. I have explained how Moxie was throwing the game.
deletedalmost 13 years
In appeal to, I attest that I was playing towards my win condition. I do not feel I should be reprimanded because at first my plan to confuse the mafia into a "fail mimic acted n1" scenario where they would avoid killing me at night since I was scummy.

It was a gambit that failed, not a Troll. Please reconsider this ruling. Thanks.

By the way, if you were actually paying attention when making the ruling, you'll notice that I explained myself in the GY chat D2.
almost 13 years
Part Two:

2) Even if I was blue she still would want to lynch me.
3) When I flip blue, both her and who ever gave credibility to the slip would be fos and potentially lynched. Mafia would cc her and she would easily go down. She didn't care about that.
4) She intentionally created a situation in which town has way no out. I said that d1, when I flip blue, it would turn out bad for her and I thought she was town, therefore town would lose next day.

Sorry that was a ling summary.
almost 13 years
Part one: Report

Moxie was game-throwing for some obscure reasons.
1) Moxie has a history of turnelling me in most games, e.g. instant voting me into d1. This time she decided that turnelling wasn't gonna work so she lied about a bubble slip, I was blue and this could only have been a glitch.
2) The only eyes that confirmed the bubble slip were mafia's. No town other than Moxie so the bubble, which means she invented it mafia backed it up.
3) Moxie openly told Furcolow in the past that she invents bogus bubble slip to get people lynched or buss mafia partners. You can read this into d1 and during GY conversation between Fur and Moxie.
4) Moxie knowing that the slip was bogus quickly shifted to discredit my reaction.

In addition her action was gamethrowing because of the follows:
1) He acknowledged into d1 that I might even be the gov, in which case she knew I would overturn the lynch on her, she didn't care.
2) She acknowled be blue
almost 13 years
Could you process my report: Report 2637. I saw your comment on it.
almost 13 years
No,alls I meant was that claiming you are willing to screencap(even though you won't) is a good strategy, it makes you seem legit imo

you yourself said it,it's not cheating,it's claiming to cheat.

either way,I now know it isn't allowed,i may not agree with it,but i won't do it again.
almost 13 years
I still think it's a great strategy ...even if it didn't work
deletedalmost 13 years
thanks for the comment :D
almost 13 years
Thanks for the heads up - that info didn't USE to be on there. I blame the droid.
deletedalmost 13 years
remove my fuckin violation..
deletedalmost 13 years
Hello idiot bitchlord.
almost 13 years
laexio i posted something in the wrong ofrum
can you move to suggestions
deletedalmost 13 years
you have got to be kidding me laexio
deletedalmost 13 years
hello. bitch fuckerlord idiot