
in love with 
part of  family

glory to




over 11 years
so then why dont you cahnge it back?
cos u're a gay asian
anonymousover 11 years
How come you don't comment as much in off topic deemed "Laexio's Domain" as much as other threads?
it's not ym domain. some moron moderator changed the description to that.
anonymousover 11 years
did you know that sgr's name means Esse Gay Ass Raaizer?
i didn't
anonymousover 11 years
are you secretly danisnotonfire?
if i told you then it wouldn't be a secret
over 11 years
abc here, unban yeah?
i don't think so


1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedalmost 13 years
where did our family go
deletedalmost 13 years
How come you aint on msn anymore
almost 13 years
I want to send you an email.
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
I've always wondered, why do you only say 'hello hello' in that thread?
deletedalmost 13 years
I think the more everyone hates u, the more ily.
deletedalmost 13 years
deletedalmost 13 years
hi, idiot bitch, I'll take that as an unofficial warning and have the warning removed from my profile. nobody reported me 4 it.
almost 13 years
I voted Soben b/c I thought he was scummy at the start, + townie cred, etc etc
Literally nobody was participating as of day 2, so I gave the fuck up on that game
suspend me for insufficient participation on day 2, maybe? i wasn't trolling tehre
almost 13 years
GaryOak is a terrible moderator who likes to abuse his powers. I got banned from playing games and forums because I commented on his profile that he should stop abusing his powers.
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
Was that bulla game refunded? All you wrote was "24 hour suspesion"
almost 13 years
God damn you, /b/. I ****ing hate you. I've been noticing how you've been ****ing with my head, making me see memes everywhere, and now it cost me my job. I used to work at a pizza joint called Papa Gino's, which is a chain here in New England. Today, two guys came in, and they were very obviously a couple. Never in my life have I seen people this blatantly gay. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm a bleeding heart liberal hippie treehugger commie bastard, and I'm even bisexual myself, but DAMN these two were gay. Everything was going fine, right up until I served them their food. Instead of the usual "enjoy your meal" bit that I usually say, /b/ seized control of my brain. "There you are, guys. Enjoy your AIDS." As soon as that A passed my lips, alarm bells went nuts in my head. But it was too late. I didn't realize what I had just done until I had finished speaking. The two guys just stared at me in shock for a momment, and I went pale. I knew that my days of free pizza and all t
almost 13 years
Do you get tokens for winning a trophy?
almost 13 years
y u ragequit? TT_TT
almost 13 years
is this offenzive enuff to be deleted<333
deletedalmost 13 years
deletedalmost 13 years
deletedalmost 13 years
They deleted and remade the account. >.>
almost 13 years
cool suspended for wifom
great admin 10/10