
in love with 
part of  family



10 / 10Scumhunter
9 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
over 14 years
Hai Tonks <3
over 14 years
You also can't read. The reason we lost is because she wouldn't vote. If she had voted her fos we would have won. If she had voted me, I would have explained why I wasn't mafia. If she self voted I would have told her she was stupid. Maybe you should read the game over.
over 14 years
And you're just so fucking good at the game that everything you say should be listened to.
deletedover 14 years
Your rules rock. Especially number 6 ;-)
over 14 years
deletedover 14 years
WHAT! I WANTED TO BE APART OF 70K! Anyways Congrats!
over 14 years
You also sheeped a lynch on mylo without a reason being stated. You're also bitching at me as if she was the one that ended up being lynched. If you were paying attention, we lost because the last townie refused to cooperate and refused to vote until after the kick timer went down. If she had voted like I had been telling her for 8 FUCKING MINUTES we wouldn't have had the problem. Blame me all you want, there's more than one person at fault.
over 14 years
I can't think up any good names. :(
over 14 years
ya we can chat about it sometime, add me to a messenger
deletedover 14 years
Tonk, how long ago was that game you played with Mood and freeze that you mentioned in the forum? And was the sui'er named bagger? If so give me a time-frame when it was and I will attempt to dig it up. :P
over 14 years
+K me I k'ed you
over 14 years
over 14 years
+k bomb inc.
over 14 years
No, I shouldn't have to deal with that shit in a ranked game.
over 14 years
So it doesn't matter that she was stalling and wouldn't vote, even though I warned her? Yea, get over yourself.
over 14 years
we are no longer friends, does this have to do with me eating shrimp all the time?
over 14 years
LAWL@ thats why you couldnt read him bahahahah thats awesome! Shut down babe! LAWL Hey where is my mention in yor profile! Bitch titties... **cries** Hey we should do something soon! I have not seen yo in ages
over 14 years
I like your avi!!hahaha makes me laugh everytime!nice playing with you even though it was unranked anyways can you help me with some karma?thank u I will return favor!
deletedover 14 years
With the type of the players that were in the room, the answer is most definitely - YES! lol If you were mafia and I hadn't checked, you could have easily swayed the town and won. xD
over 14 years
+k for super awesomeness!