
What a ridiculous game.
part of  family


Internal Nebula


Rocks growing slow-mo


I conquer claustrophobia


And demand the light


anonymousalmost 9 years
Why do chu hate me? And btw, IM BACKKKKK
I'm always frustrated idk.
about 9 years
I always dreamed about being a friend with a gun. Please accept :)
Alright. Accepted.
about 9 years
You're cool
Thank you. I try to be.
anonymousabout 9 years
ur good dude keep it up
I'm. Trying. Thank you.
anonymousabout 9 years
Why are
you on anon.


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Scumhunter
13 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
10 / 20Do No Harm
10 / 20Clint Eastwood
over 8 years
over 8 years
I remember you
almost 9 years
Thx The scream is to wake people up.
almost 9 years
I mean, since noavas arn't your favorite, this is a rather mild compliment - like, you moderatley tolerate me. Cool, yo - here's one back for taking... a shot~
almost 9 years
I am in the middle of a 2 week stint. All last week I subbed for a teacher who went to Spain/Italy.

This whole week, I'm subbing for him until Wednesday, then subbing for two different teachers on Thursday and Friday.

My wife organizes sub schedules, but I still get first crack for the sole reason that I am reliable, I am good, and the students like me. No one has accused her of nepotism because, not being cocky, but I am a preferred substitute.

And yes, I enjoy it immensely, even when I have no idea what the teacher is talking about in the lesson I am supposed to give
almost 9 years
No more thirsty avis...? ;o
almost 9 years
about 9 years
Aww, ty! I thought I had +K'd you on all my accounts already, but apparently not, so thrice returned. <3
about 9 years
I'm your 69th friend and you know what it means (;
about 9 years
i am your father
about 9 years
Haha thanks dude being trash isn't that bad after all
deletedabout 9 years
I'm... really sorry. u_u
about 9 years
wow you bluffed the n1 guilty too NiCeE
about 9 years
+k'ed to 16 for family
deletedover 9 years
I need this gun to shoot me in the mouth.
over 9 years
over 9 years
Family karma.
deletedover 9 years
My favourite gun on Epicmafia.. +K
over 9 years
This guy plays really well and I him up, k+
deletedover 9 years
+k for making me smile