
A house

I do admit to being mafia when there is no way I am going to win. So if I am unclear in a game where maf keeps nking for 10 days, I am never. ever. the mafia.

PS. if you are going to neg me, don't be a little bitch and not tell me why. I am amnesiac in an auto town win situation. Not wanting to take mafia, I ask if there's any way I can take a town role. BPs argue over which of them could be sacced so I could take BP and get my 65 points. Awesome game.

And you know I'm guised when I stop talking a lot. Or you can ask me about any breed of dog really. Weird thing to say, but I work with dogs :P

HIGHLIGHTS: -hit 5k on 7/22/10

deletedabout 14 years
I did blow you! But you passed out lmfao, thanks for the blow job +k
about 14 years
ben you are awesome
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
Ughh.. Rocket summer is torture to me. I love the music and the style, but as soon as the guy starts singing I cringe. I saw him live and I just felt like he tried too hard to impress.
about 14 years
+k You're awesome.
deletedabout 14 years
plus k and friended. Send me music suggestions anytime you like on my wall :D :D
about 14 years
You broke my three or four days lose streak. I'm so glad you did that. :D

about 14 years
Brendon Urie is <333.
about 14 years
+K for delivering the hammer that netted me my 2000th point.
about 14 years
Can you neg me instead?
deletedabout 14 years
+K for being considerate at not voting me N1
about 14 years
+k for being awesome
about 14 years
yeah i was cheering for you in the gy! lol yay for having non retards on my side in my game <3
about 14 years
very well played +k
about 14 years
+K'ing all the players I've ever played with. Ohai!
deletedabout 14 years
wut is your alt?
about 14 years
Calcutta, it can provide the colorful ambiance that we need for such an occasion ^_^
about 14 years
DOOD! You and me should do a double date sometime. Might be fun and innovative ^_^
about 14 years
+k for being sexier
about 14 years
+K for you, mister! :)