
Chasing L

So... I guess the cat's out of the bag, and I should finally create some sort of biography for myself.


So... my back up computer committed suicide (after my laptop was eaten my Five Alive), and for the foreseeable future, I will be using a piece of flaming shit disguised as a computer as access to the internet, and will thus be unavailable, although I may still be caught on MSN when I'm not being an unsociable jerk. Cheers!

Hi, I'm Bligy. I'm either going to be your best friend or your worst enemy, not really a medium ground. This is my main... so... wtf to people who seem to think I'm someone else.

Anyway... I don't really have anything fancy to put here, so I'm going to put the list of people who have proclaimed their love for me:

OTB! Bettie! Zoolander! Lobonator! Wiiggii! Reggie! Richie! Charlie! Kris! Gracey! Verfo! JAMMER! < I've been trying for ages, but he finally admitted it! AM! Hawker! Belth! Puffles! BabyGurl! Illyria! Doom! mna!

People I'm Married to on EM:

Bettie! Zoolander! (Claimed me on Tuesdays) Belth! (Claims me always because he can't live without me XP) WhyamIPlaying!

Engaged to:



Also... I trucking love Death Note, Joss Whedon, Labyrinth, Naruto, Guitar Hero and Musical Theatre. I am constantly and always willing to go into discussions, including the rampant and enthusastic bashing of Twilight and the latest Harry Potter related bollocks. Cheers!


Most Epic Game Ever (Seriously):

3 Blues, BG, Tracker, Hunter, Traitor, Janitor, Stalker

I was Stalker and my partner and I janned hunter - useless. Day 1 went by with no harm, night 2 we killed our fail-traitor who hadn't faked anything.

3 Blues, BG, Tracker, Jan, Stalker

Day 2 both my partner and I claimed hunter to screw with town. Tracker had a report on my partner, but they decided to lynch a blue to take out that chance... well, blue was a blue obviously and that took town down to six.

That night, we knew we were screwed if tracker got so much as one more clear, so we decided to take the chance to kill tracker, even with BG... and BG wasn't on tracker, so they died.

2 Blues, BG, Jan, Stalker

I framed the BG as mafia because tracker died and town followed me full-heartedly on a lynch on the fail-BG, even when they had a guilty report on the other hunter.


deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
+2k for you!
deletedover 14 years
Where the hell are you these days!
over 14 years
Richard misses Bligy! come baaaaaaaaack :(