
Orlando, FL

Penn State University Student

deletedover 13 years
Holy **** I saw you post on Slakoth's page hi. I'm Anthony :D
deletedabout 14 years
Neg the proven cheater Wendys (http://www.epicmafia.com/user/41010) and help give this giraffe-felching eunuch exactly what he deserves!
about 14 years
returend +k for that survivor game awhile back
deletedabout 14 years
= (
deletedabout 14 years
it's allowed in unranked gaemz
deletedabout 14 years
NO YOU GET ON MORE! I'm on every day!

Though I don't play unranked anymore O:
deletedabout 14 years
+4K for you
deletedabout 14 years
Somebody gave you +k, but I won't say whom. He probably wanted to stay anonymous. ;-)
about 14 years
you won another survivor? NIIICE
about 14 years
+2k survivor game :D
about 14 years
Thanks dude, I'll return that once I get enough points to give K, I'm new here ;)
deletedabout 14 years
+k for survivor game :D
about 14 years
Good job... If i had better internet and didn't double post I might have been semi-close to winning
about 14 years
+K for survivor winner :D
over 14 years
What do you study @ Penn? Play any sports? or?
over 14 years
+k to you. Happy fonger day!!!!!!
deletedover 14 years
You, sir, are a legend from now on. I can't seriously believe you did it.
over 14 years
holy shit. Hero
deletedover 14 years

over 14 years
Oh. Ok.