
part of  family

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, deedlee dee.

seecrut alt is seeecrut...sort of.

about 14 years
+2k for you!
over 14 years
you=joole yes?
over 14 years
Hmm....idk. That's quite tragic! +k
over 14 years
Haha NP, not a big deal at all.
over 14 years
sorry for snapping at you, i just get pissed when im not believed..
deletedover 14 years
coconuts pl0x, Scrump demands!
over 14 years
+ K Its okay to doc me :( I swearz GO GO GO
over 14 years
i didnt tell anyone to neg bomb you im sorry, but dont jump to conclusions so fast and follow mafia spammers, theres too many fail townies and trolls now .___. i miss old mafia .
over 14 years
over 14 years
+k ily
over 14 years
I invite you to my profile to check my style of play!

As well, am happy to know you are stationed in Paris as well ^_^
over 14 years
Not the traitor? Haha, excellent job then. +k
over 14 years
+K For NV on me =D
over 14 years
I R PRETTY PRO U C. +4k for pokemon awesomeness.
over 14 years
I think you're pretty awesome. Have some double +k :)