part of  family

Till the roof comes off - Till the lights go out Till my legs give out - Can't shut my mouth Till the smoke clears out - Am I high? Perhaps I'ma rip this shit till my bones collapse.

guisetest: nba . i know a ton, specifically about the mavs poker- online poker specifically my favorite book (involves children and war)


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10Scumhunter

Created Setups

deletedabout 14 years
Ok little girl. Next time you wanna demonstrate some real talent, let me know. Maybe then i would consider you more than just a lucky a-hole.
deletedabout 14 years
You are the one who has no open mind or strategy...++k'ed because you don't deserve any sort of recognition
about 14 years
If you know everything, you'd realize the lyrics in your profile are wrong. "And my high burnout". It was a nice try though! :)
about 14 years
I think you want -k? So, uh, -k even if you think I'm annoying.
about 14 years
Dude, I've been playing a lot fuckin longer than you have. So don't you dare try to tell me how to play.
deletedabout 14 years
Ahh im sorry :P negged you then <3
deletedabout 14 years
lol.. plus k for post on andyilmatto's wall.. it cracked me up
deletedabout 14 years
The hissyman man/woman wanezot thinks that you're my alt, how sexy is that. Lmfaoo <3 +k
about 14 years
That's always a good way to learn from others. "I don't give a shit what you have to say, just going to assume you're wrong and I'm right." Glad to see you're interested in getting better, always a positive.
deletedabout 14 years
i play almost everynight, and fuck these noobs who think they know anything
about 14 years
U mad because everyone thinks you're a retard? And you want to give me -K when you have -28? Hah! Learn to play, kid.
about 14 years
You need to learn that just because village made the wrong choice about who maf is does not make them "stupid". If they lynch based on the evidence presented to them, which, as you should know, does not include a screenshot of the fact that you're not maf, then they made the right choice, even though they lost. You lost that game for village by acting scummy - feel free to ask any other mafia player whether or not it's possible to be "scummy" when you're on the town, and I guarantee that every single one will say yes. And btw, not having a trophy doesn't make you "high and mighty" either - the fact that one cheater with a trophy got caught does not invalidate the rest of them. You're a crap player who is clearly not interested in getting better or learning at all, and if all you're going to do is rage about how "stupid" people are for not listening to your shitty arguments, you should delete your account.
about 14 years
about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
did it.
about 14 years
-k because you are amazing
about 14 years
negged. :D
over 14 years
Negged again <3
deletedover 14 years
Plussed for skilled play buried in lollery.
deletedover 14 years
i wanted to +k you for wanting to lynch kris with me, but i wasn't sure you're into that sort of thing.