
part of  family

♥ Mau

over 14 years
I've won all my ranked games today INCLUDING NO REVEAL !
WE WON THAT ! I THINK IT'S THIS .. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/656496
deletedover 14 years
notti rawr
over 14 years
Oh I feel such a noob this round ;
My God ;
I'm such a .. Err .
I blame the intercep games going around ;
Plus the lame mafia partners I get;
And being killed first or lynched first for no reason ;D !
Plus, I also think I shall do better next round and reach 3000 [:
over 14 years
+K for awesomeeeee
over 14 years
I miss you!!!!!!
over 14 years
u are still awesome sauce +k =)
deletedover 14 years
+k :P Wb.
over 14 years
aww rawrrr ><
over 14 years
Missing you.
over 14 years
where is rawrr?
over 14 years
over 14 years
you can't leave yet fucking bitch
over 14 years
Yeah ;D I made list.
over 14 years
I win again. <3
over 14 years
PlayCrackTheSky 8 hours 51 minutes
Everyone focus on mau and RAWR this round making sure they are not cheating. Furthermore, put a person on iShine, I think she's cheating too.
over 14 years
wat is dis
over 14 years
Aha thanks :)
+k back
deletedover 14 years
D: you deleted everything! I think you should add 'I love super' just to take up some space.
over 14 years
Thanks for the +k, yeah, things happen lol.
over 14 years
<3 <3