
over 14 years
It seems as if someone is posing our Capcomness.

There is a FrankEast and an AlbertWesker.


over 14 years
7 minutes, 7 minutes is all i can spare to play with you.
over 14 years
1. That presumes that town would have immediately lynched my CC. We wouldn't use ML on a PR in that situation when there is an equal chance of hitting mafia by lynching blue. 2. Even if we were left with a watcher/doc, the mafia could just sack one to kill doc then kill watcher leading to a 3 way with no clears. I fail to see how that is a desirable outcome. 3. You forget to mention, the alternative action I took achieves the EXACT same thing but guarantees that my CC is lynched, not me.
over 14 years
Ok, so there was an unCCd watcher, and I was doc and someone else claimed my role. You -K me and rant on me for not CCing, but think about what CCing would do. It would do nothing positive for town as neither doc would have been MLed when we could ML townie. There was no benefit to claiming with ML rather than lylo. Instead, it just gives mafia the option to sack the nilla maf who CCd me and force a 3 way lylo with no clears.

Rather, I stayed silent and visited the fake doc who watcher was on. This gives watcher a report that proves 100% that I am doc so that we can lynch the fake doc that day and guarantee that watcher makes it to 3 way. In the future, think about the situation rather than automatically ranting OMG ALWAYS CLAIM IF YOU'RE CCD!
over 14 years
lol great play on words :)
over 14 years
wesker is the shit! +K ;)