
Smooth As [REDACTED]
in love with 
part of  family

Not admin anymore.




deletedover 8 years
Party host has now been added to the Main Lobby
aww yiss
over 8 years
Hello, Edark. Thank you for taking care of Epicmafia.
Thanks pal
over 8 years
can I be unbanned? Was banned about 3 years ago. My ban said up years ago but I still can't play. Any info on this would be awesome, thanks.
no call me in 4 months
anonymousover 8 years
Are these questions anonymous to admin as well? Or you know who sent this?
I cant see the answers
over 8 years
I can't find any instructions or help on how to play. I click on "learn" and I get a big list. I click Rules and I get website rules. No help in the forum and I can't post. How do you expect anyone new to ever come here?
Hello. If you have a hard time learning this game then by all means please visit the forums and feel free to ask for help, we're more than glad to help you.


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Scumhunter
14 / 15New Sheriff in Town
10 / 25Objection!
9 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
about 8 years
"R u gay no offense" Heuheu :')
about 8 years
booooooy du vet ikea kjøttboller er det verste.
about 8 years
hva sverige er som
about 8 years
ja så mye som dere svensker elsker lutefisk :')hei, vi vet alle hvor ille IKEA er og de kjøttboller <.<
about 8 years
hva, jeg er den snilleste person på epicmafia dot com :( du nettopp kom ut av ingenting, og fortalte meg å suge en sild, misbruk! :'( Jeg trodde svenske slaver var alltid kult, før jeg gikk til IKEA
about 8 years
du kan ikke henger med oss <.<
about 8 years
Hail Noavi
deletedabout 8 years
mod abuse me dad
deletedabout 8 years
first 1 to notice new avi
deletedabout 8 years
+k for allowing hackers to compromise lobby with ur account
about 8 years
hey u rock. thats all
over 8 years
+k you're almost as good as me
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
Look I should be the one mad at you. You kept me banned for months for calling Jeff gay
over 8 years
now that you are not a mod maybe you could answer my skype again
over 8 years
now that ur not a mod maybe we can be pals again
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
did you die :-(
over 8 years
over 8 years
Scar's comments number is over 9000 on this profile...