
Smooth As [REDACTED]
in love with 
part of  family

Not admin anymore.




anonymousalmost 7 years
u edOrk
anonymousalmost 7 years
send nudes?
over 7 years
r u straight no offense
I am sadly
almost 8 years
are you gay
anonymousabout 8 years
why do you only mod girls for your lobby
I got 3 girls and 12 moderators lol


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Scumhunter
14 / 15New Sheriff in Town
10 / 25Objection!
9 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
over 8 years
Om inte du vet hur man skaffar fake leg :doge:
over 8 years
Haha, ganska lång tid kvar till min födelsedag faktiskt. Vet inte varför jag valde att fråga dig just den dagen xD

20 Juni.

Är du ens i Sverige under sommarn? Haha xD

Annars får vi ta det när du kommer tillbaka!

När fyller du år? =)
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
can I be unbanned from main lobby please
over 8 years
can I be unbanned from comment in main lobby please
over 8 years
Har ingen aning om hur man spelar shuffleboard, men pingis det kan jag nog.

Är dock lite 'rusty' då jag inte lirat på typ 1 ½ år.

Men visst, det blir nog kul! =)
over 8 years
You forgot to reply xd

Anyway, awesome! You should start practicing cuz I'm great @ it js.
over 8 years
I challenge you to a game of pool IRL, preferably when I'm 18 & allowed to drink and also so you don't do the classic "I went easy on you cuz ur a kid".

Do you accept?
over 8 years
>harambe is a dead meme.

you clearly failed memeology
over 8 years
you have two kudos now, change that quote
over 8 years
Someone is taking your DNA and recombining it with other EpicMafia users to create horrible abominations of mankind that greet me in PMs.
over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
I lost $5 worth of tokens from a site bug. Can I please be refunded either the tokens or the money? I PM'd you and posted on the forums, not really sure what else to do.
deletedover 8 years
I did no such thing you sick f*cker, do it one more time and you're gonna be in for a world of hurt.
deletedover 8 years
did you just f*cking poke me?
over 8 years
Whining about ppl with 1 kudo and no trophy
Has one kudo and no trophy
Main lobby owner logic
over 8 years
over 8 years
why cant we embed youtube videos with [yt]

i can give you code if youd like