

Baby be the class clown, I'll be the beauty queen in tears ~

> Super busy with school so on less :\



anonymousabout 10 years
you look like jay underwood
lol idk who that is, but thanks i guess :)
deletedover 10 years
over 10 years
QT senpai... I accept the fact you have other lovers... As long as i`m in the list. <3
lol you are a top lover bby xoxo
over 10 years
why are you do good? <3
i got all my skillz from u bby ;) xo
over 10 years
can we get back together? please?
no u deceptive fucker ... ok maybe ;) ily


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
11 / 20Clint Eastwood
9 / 10Scumhunter
8 / 30Oxyclean
6 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
about 7 years
<3 <3 <3
over 9 years
Oh hey. <3
deletedabout 10 years
I already love you. You know that!
deletedabout 10 years
i realized i miss you too much ):
deletedabout 10 years
hi. look ive became a cat.

btw that girl in gif is hot af
deletedabout 10 years
THANK U KITTY CAT I HATE ODD NUMBERS >w> i already +k'd u here so i +k'd u on an alt =D
about 10 years
bambino swaggerino, always be my cappuccino
deletedabout 10 years
bambino ur my favorite
deletedabout 10 years
+karma for good hammer and being cool
about 10 years
I love you bae <3
You will always be my bambino!
about 10 years
thank you for being fine!
deletedabout 10 years
merry christmas bambino!!!!! ^_^
deletedover 10 years
bambinoswaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag :B
over 10 years
I said I'd give you a sticker so here's a sticker (Only took me 4 months)
over 10 years
omfg i luv it babe
over 10 years
bambino swaggerino in your kappaccino
deletedover 10 years
but bambino is the swaggggiest of dem all. Back at you sir
deletedover 10 years
awww thank you!! i love her a lot :))
over 10 years
u probably luv me more
over 10 years
i secretly hate rochey