

Here's how to get better at mafia:



anonymousover 6 years
u gay motherfucker i love u <3
Keep giving me excuses to type PUSSY!
over 6 years
what's ur fav role?
Villager, just not on this site where the clear can throw against you for not wanting to self vote.
anonymousover 6 years
I work there. What's your favorite part about standing around and counting to five all day?
anonymousover 6 years
are you gay
I like PUSSY
over 6 years
Marketing/Social Engagement skills are too good for that


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Scumhunter
6 / 25Eye of the Beholder
6 / 25Explosion!
6 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedover 12 years
The funniest thing happened the other day. Someone joined a game, told me to check my PMs, but never sent me anything. I was so hilariously confused.
deletedover 12 years
i wasn't kidding when i told you to leave me alone, now fucking do it
deletedover 12 years
lacey 2 days 9 hours
can you leave me alone now
over 12 years
Thanks for that
over 12 years
If you can show me that I said guys NL three times then I'll take your word for it. But there's notes and whatnot going on in this game that you can't see so you might want to think about that before you open your mouth. And before you argue that I should've outted them, you should've claimed cop first.
deletedover 12 years
can you leave me alone now
over 12 years
Who is to say I wasn't scumhunting? You assumed I didn't because I NL'd.
deletedover 12 years
l8r g8r
deletedover 12 years
do you get off on your comments being deleted or something
deletedover 12 years
dunno what you're talking about, you're the one accusing me of deleting it when you switched alts mid conversation???
deletedover 12 years
i haven't deleted anything, i've deleted yours because you annoy me. the ones you probably think i deleted are on mike, you fucking moron
deletedover 12 years
i dunno what you're talking about bye
deletedover 12 years
i didn't you blind fuck, but i'm deleting what you leave on mine because you're annoying
deletedover 12 years
why do you think that after i deleted all your other stupid bullshit that you should keep commenting with more
deletedover 12 years
i hope you've learned that no one gives a shit about you you annoying fucker
deletedover 12 years
time for you to go
over 12 years
Not that I had any reason to scumhunt at that stage of the game.
over 12 years
Maybe if you claimed your role I might've been able to scumhunt a little better.
deletedover 12 years
Agreed, Kelly is an enemy of epicmafia.com
over 12 years
Had you been cop, and you were, you were so damn obvious. Not claiming was so stupid but I let that go in the hopes that mafia would just not kill and we would get more reports from our obvious cop. But instead you insisted we lynch your cc who you didn't even announce was your cc just so that you could get shot the very next day. If we NL'd and you died we woulda lynched your cc next anyway. It's no different to lynching your cc and you dying the next night. So worst case scenario mafia shot you and it worked out to be the same. But you said they weren't going to shoot you, and you know what, I really hoped they didn't. There was no chance of them shooting bomb at any stage of that game no matter who we lynched and when so that was absolute crap for logic.